Women Trail & Hike Days
Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.From 24 to 28 April 2024, the Women Trail and Hike Days will take place in Naturns. This event for women only promises a mixture of adventure and recreation: from Thursday to Sunday, a varied programme with different activities and intensities awaits the participants. The hiking group looks forward to pure enjoyment, wellness and nature. The trail running group, on the other hand, loves to test their limits.
Each participant can choose between pleasant hikes or sporty trail runs. Shared highlights for the whole group include a visit to Juval Castle and the ice bathing adventure, the cooking evening with farmers and the alpine breakfast after the sunrise tour. In between, there is also time for wellness and entertainment, for a good chat and a relaxed aperitif.
The cost of the event package is €570 or €620 (with via ferrata tour) in a double room. In a single room, the costs are €670 or €720 (please note: the number of rooms is limited). The price includes all transfers as per the programme, 3 nights in a double room at the ****S Hotel Belvedere, 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, visitor's tax and a bulging goodie bag. Arrival and departure are not included in the price. For further information and bookings, please contact the Naturns Tourist Office. The event will be held in German.