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Kid’s summer in Lana & surroundings

Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.
Lana holiday region offers a multi-faceted summer programme for children from 6 to 14 years: all activities will be exciting, funny and close to nature. Enjoy fantastic summer holidays!

In the summer months, you can choose between varied activities – with or without parents. In fact, action lovers, theatre fans, animal lovers and naturalists will be spoilt for choice.

Participation in the activities is only possible with registration and partially associated with costs. Basically, registration is mandatory until 5:30 pm the day before the event, at the tourist office Lana and environs. For several activities, there is a limited number of participants.

Programme of the kid’s summer in Lana:

  • The amazing world of bees
  • Lama trekking
  • Rafting
  • Wild River Tubing
  • Children's theatre
  • Little gardeners' big time
  • ...
Further information:
Organisateur: Tourist office Lana near Meran
Rue: Andreas-Hofer-Straße 9/1
Lieu: I-39011 Lana
Tél.: +39 0473 561 770
Courrier électronique:
28.06.2024 - 21.08.2024
Lana & environs - Lana
Partage l'événement:

Offres de vacances actuelles

from 70 €
Alpwellhotel Burggräfler

A house to feel at home with familiar ambience! Equipped with bio swimming pond, indoor pool, sauna landscape and tennis court.

To the hotel
from 144 €
Hotel Sand

Holidays in Vinschgau - Garden with 25 m sports pool & natural bathing pond, bike paths, countless hiking possibilities and much more.

To the hotel
from 141 €
Vitalpina Hotel Schulerhof

A dream holiday - for active guests who enjoy relaxation, culinary delights, and friendly interactions.

To the hotel
from 125 €
Hotel Waldhof

Come to our hotel in Venosta Valley to enjoy moments of tranquility, relaxation and well-being surrounded by nature!

To the hotel

Toursimusverein Lana und Umgebung - Maria Gapp

Toursimusverein Lana und Umgebung - Maria Gapp

Toursimusverein Lana und Umgebung - Maria Gapp

Toursimusverein Lana und Umgebung - Maria Gapp

Infos sur les environs
