Alps Move
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This particular festival puts South Tyrol into a dancing frenzy. With regional dance and movement theatre by local and international artists, there is offered an exciting and moving program – in the full sense of the word.
On 4th October 2024, there will be the first event in Lana. Then, further Alps Move events will be held in Bozen, Meran, Brixen and Bruneck.
Alps Move – Dance Theatre Festival
The uniqueness of the artists and their performances will ensure a broad diversity of the program – not only in terms of content, but also stylistically. What they all have in common is their concern to enthusiasm the South Tyroleans for the regional dance. Dance connects young and old and will delight anyone who gets involved in it! If you don’t like to dance at all, you should just enjoy the professionals at work.
Further information:
Dance Collective South TyrolRue: Braunsbergweg 6
Lieu: I-39011 Lana
Tél.: +39 338 814 4999
Courrier électronique:
04.10.2024 - 27.10.2024
Various places in South Tyrol - Bozen
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