Easter Festival Sterzing
Notre équipe de rédaction s'efforce toujours de fournir des informations détaillées et précises. Toutefois, il est possible que des événements soient modifiés et que nous ne puissions pas les mettre à jour en temps réel. Vous obtiendrez des informations précises sur les dates, les heures et les programmes directement auprès de l'organisateur.The first edition of the Easter Festival in Sterzing took place in 1986, following up a tradition that has existed already in medieval times and modern era.
By now the event series lasting several weeks with concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions and more ranks among the highlights in the event calendar of the region Eisacktal and establishes an elegant connection between tradition and modern spirit.
The success and the popularity of the annual Easter Festival in Sterzing is due not least to the fact that the organizers of the Vigil-Raber-Curatorium always attach great importance to exacting and diversified offers, concentrating also on local artists and own productions.
Tickets are available at the tourist office Sterzing and in the box office. The seats are limited, so it is recommendable to reserve them previously.
Tél.: +39 0472 765 325
Courrier électronique: info@osterspiele.it