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Dolomiti Balloonfestival

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Silently floating, driven by the wind, high above the picturesque mountain world of the Dolomites: A ride in hot air balloon is a breathtaking adventure.

In Toblach in Hochpustertal, the popular Balloon Festival takes place at the beginning of the new year. From 5th to 12th January 2025, many large, colourful balloons will decorate the winter sky.

On the one hand, teams from all over Europe sign up for this festival every year to compete against other hot air balloon teams. On the other hand, visitors can also enjoy the airy pleasure of a balloon ride

During the Dolomiti Balloon Festival – depending on the weather – balloon flights with take-off and landing in and around Toblach are offered daily from 10:00 am. In clear weather conditions or at sunrise, the flight is a very special experience. 

A small supporting programme rounds off the Festival. The traditional Nightglow of model balloons will take place on 10th January 2025 at 4:00 pm.

Further information:
Organisateur: ASV Dolomiti Balloonfestival
Rue: Pustertalerstraße 15
Lieu: I-39034 Toblach
Tél.: +39 0474 972 132 / 972 458
Courrier électronique:
05.01.2025 - 12.01.2025
Heure: 10:00 Horloge
Toblach & environs - Toblach
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